Laboratory testing

Laboratory testing at our Vet Clinic

Laboratory testing at our Vet Clinic provides valuable information about possible underlying illnesses, as well as early detection of diseases.
We offer a wide range of tests including, but not limited to, blood work, urinalysis, and fecal testing. For the majority of the lab work we recommend for your pet, samples are collected on-site and sent for analysis to an external laboratory with which we are associated. The laboratory has highly trained staff including specialists, stringent quality control practices and state of the art equipment.
We will review all results with you once the lab work has been completed.

Laboratory Tests

Bloodwork and urinalysis can give major insight into your pet’s overall general health. For some pets that are considered seniors (ie. over 7 to 9 years old) or that have a chronic illness, routine blood work and/or urinalysis may be recommended on a regular schedule. We also will routinely perform blood work on all patients that will be undergoing a general anesthetic for surgery or a dental procedure. Our in-house laboratory allows us to obtain a blood panel right away. We are also able to perform complete examinations of urine samples and fecal samples as required.

Other In-House Blood Tests

Thyroid (Total T4) and Cholesterol Levels
CPLi – Pancreatic Snap Test
Parvo Snap Test
Feline Immunodeficiency Virus/Feline Leukemia Snap Test
Canine Progesterone Target Test – For detection of ovulation and timing of planned C-sections in dogs

There are hundreds of tests offered by professional off-site laboratories that we commonly use. Common send-out tests include (but are far too extensive to list completely):


Microscopy is now considered a gold standard in diagnosing ear infections and skin infections. It helps differentiate between ear mites, bacteria and yeast, or other bugs that may be causing an issue on your pet. We also use the microscope for every fecal exam and urinalysis – here we may find parasites like giardia or worm eggs, urinary crystals, or signs of a urinary tract infection